Thursday, December 12, 2013

Technology Integration Plan

           For my matrix Spreadsheet I used a lesson plan that I had created for reading the short story “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin. The lesson plan focuses on the students reading the story and using a graphic organizer as an aid for their reading. It is essential for students to jot down ideas or takes notes while reading so that they can keep track of any questions or key information that they read. The graphic organizer is just a way in which the students can organize the information that they’ve found in the story. This information can later be used when writing an essay or studying for a unit test on the story.
            The first row is describing how the students will transfer the information they already know while using technology as a supplement. This part of the lesson involves direct teaching and modeling of how the graphic organizer should be filled out. Originally I was going to tell them how to fill it out. But for this I used the Smart Board as an aid to model. This way the students can visually follow my thought process of filling out the graphic organizer. Therefore, I chose the technology standard of transferring information already acquired and using them with new technologies. There is no ELA standard for this because the students will just be watching me model for them.
The second row explains how they will apply what they know about the structure of a text and order of events to read the short story. They will be reading the story on their own and will not need any technology to aid them during this process. Therefore, I have not provided a technology standard since there is no technology being used.
The third row explains how the students will use what they read to fill out the graphic organizer. This part of the lesson is analyzing the text. They are using the graphic organizer as an aid in helping them analyze the text they just read. The graphic organizer will be an aid in helping them neatly organize the details in the story that are important. They will use Google Docs on their computers to fill out the organizer on their own. This will make it easier for the students to type instead of handwriting their work. The technology standard I picked expresses how the students will produce their own work and then use it for a group expression, which will later involve group work.
On row four, the students will participate and come up with a master graphic organizer in a group setting. Once they have done their independent practice, I will group the students together and have them create a master graphic organizer on a Google Doc that will be shared with me and all of the group members. This activity will help them see how their classmates processed the story, if it is different or similar to what they thought. The purpose of this assignment is to have the student’s participate in a small discussion with their group members and come up with a graphic organizer that was a collaboration of each group member. This graphic organizer will combine all of the questions or important things that all group members noticed while reading the story. Their ideas need to be concise and effective for their learning. Each student must contribute, and their master graphic organizer must have a lingering question, quotes from the story, and figurative language. The standard used for ELA describes how students need to initiate and participate in a group discussion and build on each other’s ideas. The NETS-S standard is the same one on row three because the students are still creating their graphic organizers.
            The final activity, on row five will involve a whole class discussion each group’s organizer. I will project on the Smart Board a master graphic organizer, where I will include all of the findings of each group. Each group will need to present their findings to the class and explain why they picked those specific details from the story. The ELA standard fulfilled in this part of the lesson is the speaking and listening. This standard is the same as in row four, but this time the students are doing both in a class setting, unlike before where it was just a group setting. The technology standard involved is processing their data, that they have put into their graphic organizer, and report the results to the class.